Sunday Service – September 15, 2024

The Law and Sin

The Vision: “Bearing and Sharing the fruits of the Spirit…”

Invitation and Gathering

Stand as able

Words for “Time of Centering,” “Doxology,” and “Going Forth” are on laminated sheets in pews.


Welcome and Announcements

A Time for Centering (Lighting of Candles-Acolyte)

Opening Prayer

Hymn “Amazing Grace” – #378

Special Music

Children’s Sermon

(Junior Church in the Sunday School Classroom)

Prayer Concerns and Praises

Pastoral Prayer

Sermon – “The LAW and SIN” (Romans 5:7-12 & 15-17)


Doxology – UMH #95

Offertory Prayer

Hymn “Jesus Loves Me” – #191

Blessing / Going Forth (Carry the light into the world)

Other Scriptures Used:

Jesus leading

“For I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.”

Romans 5:15–17

Sin is a thing… it is alive…

Old Testament – The Hebrew word for sin is chatha and means… to miss the mark.

New Testament – The Greek work for sin is harmartia and means… a missing of the mark.

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