Sunday Service – July 28, 2024

The Vision: “Bearing and Sharing the fruits of the Spirit…”

Invitation and Gathering

Stand as able

Words for “Time of Centering,” “Doxology,” and “Going Forth” are on laminated sheets in pews.


Welcome and Announcements

A Time for Centering (Lighting of Candles-Acolyte)

Opening Prayer

Hymn “Come, Christians, Join to Sing” – #158

Special Music

Children’s Sermon

(Junior Church in the Sunday School Classroom)

Prayer Concerns and Praises

Pastoral Prayer

Message – “Monkeys and Cages” (Matthew 5:17-18)


Doxology – UMH #95

Offertory Prayer

Hymn “Breathe on Me, Breath of God” – #420

Blessing / Going Forth (Carry the light into the world)

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophet; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.”

Matthew 5:17

Other Scriptures Used:

Jesus leading

“Jesus taught from the heart. He made things relatable to the people.
There is a better way to live your life if you will only follow Jesus and become and obedient disciple of Christ.
John 8:2-11 shows that instead of Jesus giving us what we deserve, he gives us what we need”

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