Sunday Service – June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

The Vision: “Bearing and Sharing the fruits of the Spirit…”

Invitation and Gathering

Stand as able

Words for “Time of Centering,” “Doxology,” and “Going Forth” are on laminated sheets in pews.


Welcome and Announcement

A time for centering (Lighting of Candles-Acolyte)

Opening Prayer

Hymn “Faith of Our Fathers” – #710

Special Music

Children’s Sermon (Junior Church in the Sunday School Classroom)

Recognition of the Fathers

Prayer Concerns and Praises

Pastoral Prayer

Message – “The Father’s Unconditional Love” (1 John 3:1)


Doxology – UMH #95

Offertory Prayer

Hymn “This is My Father’s World” – #144

Blessing / Going Forth (Carry the light into the world)

Jesus leading

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

1 John 3:1
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